Saturday, June 12, 2010

We were joined by a group of friends to experiment with a pit firing. Our dam had been dry for some time so we all agreed that it was a good idea to go ahead with the project.
We all made different pieces, using different types of clay. Pieces were wrapped in a variety of papers, leaves, wire and so forth for the occasion. We gathered wood and sawdust and proceeded to build our stack.We covered the stack in paper that had beed put through a clay slurry. Tearing away a small hole for the chimney, then it was time to light the fire.
It was an exciting time, watching, waiting, not knowing what to expect. It was going to be a long wait so it was a good excuse to sit and celebrate our endeavours with a glass of wine.
The next day our treasures were exposed leaving us with eager anticipation for our next project.

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